# Chapter 4

Among all the instructions that you can execute in a smart contract, arithmetic instructions are probably the most common ones, but also the simplest ones. After all, computers in general were created to provide an easy way to do arithmetic operations that started to become too complex.

Within your smart contract, you may want to add or subtract tokens to the balance of your users or you may want to multiply or divide different values. As you will understand it when reading what follows, it will be extremely easy in Michelson. You only have two conditions to remember before trying any operation: first, you must make sure that you have two elements on top of the stack. Second, you must verify that these two elements are of numeric types and of types that work together.

Unlike programming languages that you may already be familiar with, Michelson doesn't use arithmetic operators you know like +, -, * or /. Everything is "instruction-based" and you will have to use instructions that modify the stack to make operations.

# Available types for arithmetic operations

As you may have already guessed, Michelson allows us to work with int (positive and negative values) and nat (positive values and 0) for arithmetic operations. An operation of two int will yield an int and an operation of twonat will yield a nat, except for a subtraction that yields an int. These two types can be used together for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but as long there is an int in your operation, the result will also be an int. For example, int + nat = int.

In addition to int and nat, you can use other types for arithmetic operations, for example mutez (one millionth of a tez) and timestamp (Unix time in seconds since 1970). Here is a table that sums up all the possible combinations and the type of the result:

Value type Available operation Value type Result type
int ADD/SUB/MUL/EDIV int int
nat ADD/MUL/EDIV nat nat
nat SUB nat int
int ADD/SUB/MUL/EDIV nat int
timestamp ADD/SUB int timestamp
timestamp SUB timestamp int
mutez ADD/SUB mutez mutez
mutez MUL/EDIV nat mutez

A few considerations to keep in mind regarding the table above:

  • Be always very mindful about the return type when you put int and nat together. You may spend some time scratching your head and wondering why you are not getting the type you are expecting because you overlooked the types you are using in your operation.
  • A few operations are available for types outside of int and nat, but they are somehow limited (for logical reasons). For example, it wouldn't make any sense to multiply timestamps with other values or multiply mutez together.
  • Other limitations are set in place for safety purposes: limiting the possible operations on mutez prevents negative balances.

# The ADD instruction

The first instruction we are going to play with is the ADD instruction. As its name suggests, it takes two values and add them together. If you refer to the table above, you can observe that it is one of the most widely available instruction throughout the different types. ADD also allows you to use different types of values, keeping in mind that the return type is always predetermined by the values you add.

Let's check some examples and see how it works:

## We quickly initialize a contract environment to manipulate different values on the stack
storage unit ;
parameter unit ;
BEGIN Unit Unit ;
storage unit; parameter unit; BEGIN: use %default; drop all; push (Unit, Unit); DROP: pop (Unit, Unit);

In this first example, we push 2 int onto the stack and add them.
As you can see, the return value is of type int and is the result of 5 + 5.

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 5; ADD: pop 5, 5; push 10;
value type

Now we have a value of type int on top of the stack. Let's push a value of type nat and see what happens:

PUSH nat 5 ;
PUSH: push 5; ADD: pop 5, 10; push 15;
value type

As expected, int 10 + nat 5 equals int 15. The addition of int and nat always yields an int (for logical reasons, the result of something like int -20 + nat 5 cannot be a nat value).

In the next snippet, you will see a new instruction, NOW. We will come back to it in a later chapter, just know for now that it pushes the current timestamp on top of the stack. We can then use the timestamp to demonstrate how ADD works with values of this type:

NOW: push 1592111017; ADD: pop 1592111017, 15; push 1592111032;
value type

According to the day and time you are running this code block, the timestamp will be different. However, you should clearly see that the initial value has been incremented with 15, which was the value we had in our stack when we pushed the timestamp. You can also push a value and add it to the existing timestamp:

PUSH int 500 ;
PUSH: push 500; ADD: pop 500, 1592111032; push 1592111532;
value type

Let's clean our stack and see how adding mutez together works. As in the previous examples, we just push two values on top of the stack and add them. This yields a result in mutez:

PUSH mutez 50 ;
PUSH mutez 20 ;
DROP: pop 1592111532; PUSH: push 50; PUSH: push 20; ADD: pop 20, 50; push 70;
value type

Keep in mind that when using mutez, you are not moving funds but operating with amounts. When writing PUSH mutez 50, you are not manipulating tez, only their representation. There are specific instructions we will study later that tell the contract to send actual tez.

# The SUB instruction

After adding different amounts comes a time when you have to subtract 😅 The SUB instruction works very similarly to the ADD instruction outside of a few exceptions we are going to study here.

First, let's start with a simple example:

DROP ; ## let's start with a clean stack
PUSH int 3 ;
PUSH int 5 ;
DROP: pop 70; PUSH: push 3; PUSH: push 5; SUB: pop 5, 3; push 2;
value type

In this example, you can see that we push 3 to the stack, then 5 before subtracting 3 from 5.
In a subtraction, the order of the elements is essential, this is why you have to remember the right order of the elements in the stack: 5 - 3 is not going to yield the same result as 3 - 5!
Let's see what would happen if we push the values in the reverse order:

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH int 3 ;
DROP: pop 2; PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 3; SUB: pop 3, 5; push -2;
value type

As you can see, you get now -2. This may be what you want, as integers can have negative values.

SUB is going to work a little differently for nat values:

PUSH nat 5 ;
PUSH nat 3 ;
SUB @first_value ;
PUSH nat 3 ;
PUSH nat 5 ;
SUB @second_value ;
DROP: pop -2; PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 3; SUB: pop 3, 5; push -2; PUSH: push 3; PUSH: push 5; SUB: pop 5, 3; push 2;
value type name

Something very interesting happens here, can you spot it? We started with nat values and we end up with int values! The result of the subtraction of 2 nat values is always an int as there is a possibility for a negative number. Now, an int value may not be what you want. Maybe you are updating a nat value in your storage and you need a nat value to put it back in the storage. In this case, you can use the ABS instruction. ABS turns an int value into a nat value. As usual, make sure that the top element of the stack is of type int before using it:

ABS @second_value ;
ABS @first_value ;
ABS: pop 2; push 2; SWAP: pop 2, -2; push 2; push -2; ABS: pop -2; push 2;
value type name

You can also use SUB with timestamps. In this case, you can only subtract int values from timestamps that represent the number of seconds to subtract, for example:

DROP_ALL ; ## DROP_ALL is a non-Michelson instruction used in these notebooks to reset the stack to zero
PUSH int 100 ;
DROP_ALL: drop all; PUSH: push 100; NOW: push 1592111022; SUB: pop 1592111022, 100; push 1592110922;
value type

In the steps of the execution, you can observe that the current timestamp is pushed onto the stack before 100 is subtracted from it.
If you wish, you can also subtract one timestamp from another to get the difference in seconds between both of them:

PUSH int 100 ;
DROP: pop 1592110922; PUSH: push 100; NOW: push 1592111024; SUB: pop 1592111024, 100; push 1592110924; NOW: push 1592111024; SUB: pop 1592111024, 1592110924; push 100;
value type

In a first time, we push int 100 onto the stack, then the current timestamp and we subtract 100 from the timestamp. Next, we push another timestamp onto the stack and subtract the first created timestamp from the second one. The result should be 100 because the NOW instruction returns the same timestamp throughout the execution of the contract.

As you would expect, it is also possible to subtract mutez from one another to get the difference between the two amounts:

PUSH mutez 25 ;
PUSH mutez 50 ;
DROP: pop 100; PUSH: push 25; PUSH: push 50; SUB: pop 50, 25; push 25;
value type

Once again, be careful of the order you push the elements onto the stack, for safety purposes, negative amounts of mutez are not allowed and the contract will fail if it happens:

PUSH mutez 50 ;
PUSH mutez 25 ;
DROP: pop 25; PUSH: push 50; PUSH: push 25; SUB: pop 25, 50;
MichelsonRuntimeError: expected non-negative val at SUB

# The MUL instruction

Multiplications are far less common throughout Michelson types than addition or subtraction. For timestamps, they just don't make sense. For mutez, they are possible only under a certain condition. You can use it for int and nat values. The syntax is the same as addition and subtraction and this time, you can relax about the order of the elements 😊

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH int 4 ;
DROP: pop 25; PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 4; MUL: pop 4, 5; push 20;
value type
PUSH nat 3 ;
PUSH nat 10 ;
DROP: pop 20; PUSH: push 3; PUSH: push 10; MUL: pop 10, 3; push 30;
value type

As it is also the case for addition and subtraction, the multiplication of int and nat values together yields a new int:

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH nat 3 ;
DROP: pop 30; PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 3; MUL: pop 3, 5; push 15;
value type

Finally, you can multiply mutez values with nat values:

PUSH mutez 500 ;
PUSH nat 5 ;
DROP: pop 15; PUSH: push 500; PUSH: push 5; MUL: pop 5, 500; push 2500;
value type

# The EDIV instruction

Division in Michelson is a little more technical than the other arithmetic operations and requires more explanation.

Michelson performs what is called a Euclidean division, hence the E(uclidean)DIV(ision) name. In a nutshell, a Euclidean division divides two numbers together and returns a result (formally known as the quotient) and a remainder (there are no float numbers in Michelson). If there is a pizza with 9 slices and 4 people who want pizza, a Euclidean division of the pizza will distribute 2 slices to everyone (total 8 slices) with 1 slice left.

Keeping in mind this example, let's observe how the division and its result would look like in Michelson:

PUSH int 4 ;
PUSH int 9 ;
DROP: pop 2500; PUSH: push 4; PUSH: push 9; EDIV: pop 9, 4; push ((2, 1),);
value type
Some (Pair 2 1)
option (pair int nat)

Now that's a surprise! The other arithmetic operations above only yield numbers but this one gives us a pretty complex result back! The result of EDIV is an optional that contains a pair with the quotient (the result of the division) on the left and the remainder on the right. The quotient is of type int and the remainder is of type nat (unsurprisingly, the remainder cannot be a negative number).

Outside of int and nat, you can use EDIV with mutez values, only if the divisor is of type nat:

PUSH nat 5 ;
PUSH mutez 500 ;
DROP: pop ((2, 1),); PUSH: push 5; PUSH: push 500; EDIV: pop 500, 5; push ((100, 0),);
value type
Some (Pair 100 0)
option (pair mutez mutez)

The example above is also great to demonstrate that the pair result can contain a 0 as the remainder of the division.

# Other operations on numeric values

Outside of arithmetic operations, you can use other operations to manipulate numeric values in Michelson. We've already talked about ABS earlier that turns an int value into a nat. Here is a refresher:

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH int -6 ;
DROP: pop ((100, 0),); PUSH: push 5; ABS: pop 5; push 5; PUSH: push -6; ABS: pop -6; push 6;
value type

You can use NEG to turn a positive value into a negative one. The result will logically be an int even if the value you give is a nat:

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH nat 5 ;
DROP_ALL: drop all; PUSH: push 5; NEG: pop 5; push -5; PUSH: push 5; NEG: pop 5; push -5;
value type

Sometimes, you may want to flip the type of a number from nat to int the same way ABS turns an int into a nat. In this case, you can use the INT instruction:


you may have noticed by now that Michelson is case-sensitive, writing int and INT is completely different, as is writing pair, Pair and PAIR. Types are always written in lowercase (pair), values are written capitalized (Pair) and instructions are all uppercase (PAIR).

PUSH nat 5 ;
DROP_ALL: drop all; PUSH: push 5; INT: pop 5; push 5;
value type

Michelson offers also a practical shortcut to check if an int is positive and turn it into a nat: ISNAT. The instruction takes a value of type int and returns None if the int is less than 0 or (Some nat) if the int is greater than 0:

PUSH int 5 ;
PUSH int -4 ;
DROP: pop 5; PUSH: push 5; ISNAT: pop 5; push (5,); PUSH: push -4; ISNAT: pop -4; push None;
value type
option nat
Some 5
option nat
add add